Practical information

How to prepare for the sessions

Arrive 5 minutes before the scheduled time for the practice

Turn off all electronic devices, including sound and vibration (if there's a specific need, speak with the therapist)

Wear comfortable clothing to allow free movement

Always bring a water bottle

Avoid eating any meals up to 3 hours before the practice

There's no need to bring a mat or any other yoga accessories

In case of diabetes or a tendency for hypoglycaemia, eat something light before the session

Choose a space at home to practice without interruptions.

Try to practice in the same place every day to make this habit easier.

Do not eat before practicing.

Stop any exercise that causes pain or discomfort.

Follow the practice plan recommended by your therapist.

Don’t forget all the aspects that can be practiced off the mat!

Arrange with the therapist in advance which accessories are necessary (this may include a yoga mat, a zafu/cushion, a chair, among others). In any case:
Find a clear wall to use as support for some exercises.
Use a blanket or folded towel under your knees when in a tabletop position, and under your head when lying on your back.
For greater comfort, use a bolster, rolled cushion, or similar under your knees when lying on your back.

To practice at home